Consumer Bankruptcy Committee

Ian Wallace, Executive Committee Liaison

Laura Donaldson, Committee Chair

Richard Parker, Committee Chair

The Consumer Bankruptcy Law Committee of the Debtor/Creditor Section generally holds its meetings (the “Circle of Love”) in the 8th Floor Conference Room at the Portland Bankruptcy Court. Due to COVID, the meetings have been held virtually by ZOOM, with meeting notices generated via the Debtor-Creditor list serve. The meetings are a great way for individuals (including those new to debtor-creditor law and those who have been practicing for years) to discuss new case law and issues affecting consumer bankruptcy practice with Oregon Bankruptcy Judges, United States Trustees, debtor attorneys, creditor attorneys, taxing agency representatives and others in a collegial environment. All are welcome to attend these meetings. Watch for meeting notices via Zoom on the debtor-creditor list serve until we can return to normal in-person meetings.

Circle of Love – Minutes


September 11, 2024


February 11, 2021



March 15, 2019
January 10, 2019


November 15, 2018